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- {tb{L{6
- T H E K N O C K - E R S
- {C{7
- {E{5The scene: Outside a Greek
- restaurant. A blue Transit van is
- parked in a dark alley across the
- road. It is around 10pm and the
- streets are deserted except for the
- occasional passer-by. A Vauxhall
- Astra is parked at the other end of
- the street. The occupants of the two
- vehicles are talking to each other on
- walkie talkies........
- Fred: B team: give them two more
- minutes. Everybody get ready in the
- back.
- Bill: Fred, this is B team. We are
- ready to go. We are waiting for your
- mark.
- Fred: We're waiting for Jack to give
- us the all-clear from inside.
- Jack: It's 10:30 and they haven't
- started.
- Fred: OK, Jack. All units: Go, Go,
- Go!
- Various men and women jump out of
- the car and van and rush the front
- entrance. About five of them go
- around to the back.
- Fred : Customs Officers!. This is a
- raid!. Everyone stay where you are.
- Head Waiter: Shit!. Boss, come
- quick!.
- {tb{E{5Boss : What's going on? Why have we
- been raided?
- Fred : We are from the Customs
- Office. We are arresting you all for
- being Greek and not partaking in the
- traditional Greek custom of smashing
- plates after a meal.
- Boss: Ok, guv. It's a fair cop, me
- old china.
- {F{9 The End.
- {E{5Next Week: Some youths from Los
- Angeles on holiday in Clacton get
- arrested for not sticking to the
- traditional East LA custom of shooting
- policemen.
- {A{:
- End.
- {PL